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i have a new english teacher, surnamed cui, i am very fond of her.

cui teacher a little fat, but very fit. her shoulder-length hair with pumpkin shape, a ruddy face, the beer bottle bottom, under the eyes of a pair of big eyes, twinkle, all the her eyebrows is grain, very beautiful, lips have water to drink.

she often dressed in black with white dots is a beautiful skirt to the neck, two coarser crus, her shoes more beautiful, is the flat shoes with pearl.

cui teacher is kind and care about us, concerned about our study, also very patient. often a few jokes, that every time we laughed.

now, you go with us misscui class!!!!

"jingle bell -- -- -- -- -- -" the bell rang. look! cui teacher came to our classroom and recorder with english book, full of smiles to say: "class begins!" "stand up!" "goodmorningteacher!" we shouted together. the teacher answered us, voice is filled with anticipation.

her crisp jiangkesheng, you listen to: "the classmates, your book, please turn to page 1, let slearn." the teacher let go of the recording, began to teach our words, her voice like slightly spring breeze. the teacher like a hard gardener, the young we planted into the "smart dust" with a smile

, reoccupy water "knowledge" watering us, until we grow healthy and strong.

spoke of "let's try," said "without this knowledge before, now let's 'kick a kick!" cui teacher is humorous and funny words we laugh, for a minute!

remember once, small focal how also can't read the word "universityseudent", choi, gently walked up to her teacher, teach him patiently, again and again, he still read wrong, the teacher show him three times again, he will at last. the teacher also told him back to read more at ordinary times. the teacher's patience to let a person admire!

friend, how about our new english teacher, beautiful? funny? patience? anyway, i think she is perfect!






“叮铃铃------”上课铃声响了。瞧!崔老师拿着英语书和录音机走到了我们教室,满怀笑容地说:“class begins!”“stand up!”“goodmorningteacher!”我们一起喊道。老师回答了我们,声音里充满了期待。



讲到了“let’s try”时,说“以前没有这个知识点,现在让我们‘踹一踹’!”崔老师幽默又滑稽的话语是我们捧腹大笑,足足有一分钟呢!




my teacher surnamed chen, is a warm more than 30 years old, she is very friendly, informal, such as after class we call her a "chen laoda", she was not a bit angry, also ask if you have questions to ask and jolly.

you don't think her amiable, we can casually in class. in her class, i dare say every classmate is very tense. although she always slowly explain every question, but she always from time to time to ask questions, if you can't answer it when the one thousand questions, she will not let you sit down easily, but help you boot, bit by bit until you finally answer. in our class, even the most naughty students said: "chen teacher's lesson, don't want to steal the play, one not careful, let you answer a question, answer not to sweat!"

other teacher is we are chasing the questions, the teacher chen is chasing us to ask questions. whose work has a problem, as long as found she was sure to find him in the past, let him to re-do it, and then to him again. on one occasion, i wrong a counting, she called me in the past, i know i was wrong, but some disagree, she told me: "don't think it will take wrong is not important, the former soviet union have a small workers, because it will take wrong, lead to air flight back to the ground, finally lost his life." once i listen to, hurriedly serious subjects, but psychological thought: you don't frighten me! then i read this article when reading a magazine, just know the teacher didn't scare me, is true!

i admire our teacher chen, she taught us carefully!







there is a teacher younger than miss qi in our class. she is always so kind to us. everyone calls her miss xiao li.


for our healthy growth, miss li comes and leaves early and late every day. its hard to help miss qi.


in the morning, mr. li came to the school first, drew the water, and the students came. if some students finish writing their own content early, like no. 1 new word pinyin daquan mr. li gave all the corrections in time. by noon, mr. li would give us a meal first, and he would always eat last. in the afternoon, if you have any questions, please ask mr. li. mr. li can help us to explain. after school, we left. mr. li starts to clean up, which is to make tomorrow have a good environment. mr. li always leaves last.


miss li, you have worked hard. i love you, miss li!


the math teacher of my class is a young man. his name is jiang shan. he is tall and fat. we call him the “big guy”. when he knows it, he isn’t angry and says it’s lovely. he is easy going and interesting. we can make jokes with him. but about our study, he is serious but patient. we can’t be sloppy on our study. when we have questions, we can ask him anytime. he is a good teacher.



my new teacher

the new semester has begun. every thing seems the same as before, except one thing. that is our class has a new english teacher. his name is yang yang, but we always call his english name, robert. he is young and sunshine. he just graduated from university. his pronunciation is very good and i like his spoken english. robert is humorous and his class is interesting and lively. except for the textbook, he finds many other articles for class teaching, such as songs, movies and cartoons. he says that we can learn more from what we are interested in. i like this new teacher.


新学期已经开始了。除了一件事以外,每一件事看起来都和原来一样。那就是我们班来了个新的英语老师。他的名字叫杨阳,但是我们经常叫他的英文名robert。他年轻阳光,刚刚从大学毕业。他的发音很标准,我很喜欢他的口语。robert很幽默,他的课堂生动有趣。除开课本,他还找了很多文章进行课堂教 学,比如歌曲,电影和卡通。他说我们可以从我们感兴趣的东西学到更多。我喜欢这位新老师。


miss li is my chinese teacher . she is about thirty years old . she is very pretty and young . her hair is brown and curly .miss li always wears a blue coat . i think her favourite colour will be blue .miss li is very friendly and kindly .her classes are very interesting ,we all like to have chinese class .

she always smiles when she speak to us .sometimes she is very strict with us,when we make a mistake,she often makes us stand up .miss li often sticks to have lessons when she is ill , she looked weak,but still beautiful .miss li love us very much, she teaches us so carefully .i think she is a good teacher. we all love her,too .

i think teachers are like candles , giving off light for others by burning themselves 。




















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
