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when you are scrawled written assignments, will think of the teacher let you write your homework is to who? when you are absent-minded in class, will think of the teacher prepares a lesson of hard, tired? driving when you hear the teacher caught a cold to cough, will think of the teacher to the class and class? when you are sick, when the teacher asked cold ask warm to you, will think of the teacher care for you? when you make mistake, the teacher criticism, you will know that this is for your own good?

time flies, we slowly grow up, the teacher slowly getting old. her unusual love for us, do you have any feeling. that every little bit of love, no change for us.





dear mr. zhang, time is in a hurry. in an instant, three years have passed. in these three years, there are too many memories printed in my mind, your little bit i will always remember.


dear mr. cai, it is a great honor for me to be your student. you inspire us with your words of concern. you have nurtured generations of students with your hard work.


thank you, dear teacher.


teachers are rain, nourishing us, thanksgiving teacher. their selfless devotion leads us into the sea of knowledge. the teacher is a pillar of day, the earth is moist rain, is many.

the teacher is like a street lamp that keeps us from going astray. point us to a bright future. remember, once our math teacher was ill, and the doctor asked her to hang the needle, but she refused without hesitation. there is only one reason: in order not to let us fall behind in the review stage. the ears, seeing is believing. the teacher sneezes all the time in class. on the second day i borrowed an amplifier because my voice was bad. seeing the teacher's body weakening day by day, we were in a state of great depression.

at noon one day, it was time for the teacher to rest. but in that corner, our math teacher was bending his back and changing our homework. that figure is so petite, in this moment, i really feel the teacher is suffering. in that moment i realized that the teacher's good intentions.

the teacher is so great, we meet by chance, but pay a lot of effort for us. when we are faced with moral choices, they teach us to choose the right path. when we are in think back and forth without end, they encouraged me to continue to work hard. without routh in the world, we children will be plunged into a chaotic future.

i believe in the future, i will be in the teacher's good intentions. i would also like to sincerely say to the teacher: "thank you, my beloved teacher."".


the birds thank the blue sky, because the blue sky allows them to fly freely. the trees thank the earth for giving them a warm home. and what i am grateful for is not only the parents who raised me through hard work, but also the teachers who worked hard to cultivate and teach us.

with teachers, there is this festival - teacher's day, which belongs to all gardeners who work hard and selflessly on the educational front. with teachers, there are so many stars, master's students and doctoral students... if there is no teacher one day, we will definitely become lazy, do not know anything, and do not know the traffic rules... then the world will be in chaos! it is because of our teachers that we have learned a lot of knowledge and learned a lot about being human.

teacher, you are like a fan, which has taken away our playful ideas and encouraged me to study hard and be positive. teacher, you are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others. i don't know how many nights you have passed for our study. every time you give us a lecture, you rush to the office to correct our homework. as long as there is a wrong question, it will be carefully explained to us until we understand it. you have brought us into the sea of knowledge, swimming freely and sucking the milk of knowledge.

teacher, you have worked hard! you have not only taught us knowledge, but also taught us how to be human. i will never forget your kindness in education.


i thought a lot attending the lecture about gratitude.the follow is what i want to speak to you. i would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. you were alway so patient when i asked you questions. you listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly.

you showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. i felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking english. you made the excercise so interesting that i was always very eager to participate and practice. my english has improved so much. how could i thank you enough?! i cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my english.


with a thankful heart, i went to see the campus and found a person who was most worthy of my gratitude. that is the engineer of the human soul, it is silently in the silkworm, it is burning their own light to others the candle! that's the teacher.

teachers are two sacred words, and teachers are a sacred profession. i appreciate the teacher!

teaching is the teacher's duty and duty. recall the past, your tireless figure surfaced again in front of my eyes. at that time, i because of a problem does not come out, i am anxious zhuaernaosai. you see after the walk with vigorous strides asked me how. when you know the reason. i was lost in thought. after a while, your frown slightly moved. i know. you made it. you start talking to me once again, i don't understand, two times, or do not understand … … you will not bother to speak, know i understand so far. there is a warm current flowing in my heart. isn't the teacher's spirit admirable?

when the teacher criticizes me, i will not hate either. because the teacher wants me to become a useful person. even punish me, i will not hate. because the teacher is “ turn iron into steel ”. as the saying goes good teacher gaotu dquo “. i do not expect what you can say when the teacher is. under your management, i think i will be successful. thank you, thank you for your heart without regret!

educating people is also a teacher's duty and responsibility. i am like a sapling, under your hard management, i am growing strong. i firmly believe that in your love sunshine bathed, i will grow into a towering tree! thank you, thank you for your kind heart!

life is difficult, teacher, you are like my mother! encourage me to go ahead and overcome difficulties. when i am ill, every sound you say to me is like the spring wind. it moistens my heart. would you like a mother like care this son. i'll give you two words: mum! thank you and thank you for your loving heart!

the teacher said, if i was the grass, and that you are the flowers, you make me no longer lonely; if i is a flower, you are the gardener, you make me healthy growth; if i was wheat, you are the spring rain, you make me see hope! so, i thank you!

thank you! my “ mum, ”! wish you happy every day!


i'm not that kind of student who good at english and learn very quickly.i can't say that i love english more than other subjects.even i can say english is a headache for me in the passed days.

however, this not last long since i met the current english teacher.he/she's such a good teacher who can absorb student's attention to the lecture.and make the class so vivid that we don't feels so boring.and she/he can make us feel relax and being encouraged, nobody has the feeling as a looser.

i'm really appretiate the god arranged such a teacher for us.


i want to thank my teacher, our teacher is very concerned, love us, i love our teacher. our chinese teacher, mr. he, usually likes to touch us and chat with us with caring words. it's very kind and makes us study easily. our math teacher, mr. chen, spoke very well. when he talked about finding rules and other problems, he made us understand them like playing games. i like listening very much.

i like our teacher very much. teacher, you have worked hard. i want to be a good and sensible child and study hard. i hope the teacher can have a good rest in the summer vacation

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
