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flying in the blue sky, a group of wild geese, the eagle suddenly launched a attack to geese, lead goose desperately to protect the small wild goose. that couldn't help thinking i respected teacher - hong-ling zhao at the teacher.

miss zhao is very concerned about us, who have difficulty, miss zhao will go to help him out. sometimes, some classmate is ill leave, miss zhao will take the initiative to go to his house to give him make up a missed lesson, who accidentally injured at school, miss zhao will accompany him to the school infirmary immediately...

three years ago, we these children even a, o, e all don't know, after zhao teacher for more than one thousand days hard efforts, to now, i have learned thousands of words, learned how to write a composition, you can also put many beautiful poems to recite down, learned a lot of knowledge. now i'm from a small trees grew up and became a tree, these are inseparable from miss zhao's care, love and help. this is my beloved hong-ling zhao teacher, this is a selfless dedication own teacher, thank you - hong-ling zhao teacher!


i thought a lot attending the lecture about gratitude.the follow is what i want to speak to you. i would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester.

you were alway so patient when i asked you questions. you listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. you showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. i felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking english.you made the excercise so interesting that i was always very eager to participate and practice.

my english has improved so much. how could i thank you enough! i cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my english.


there is such a story, once upon a time in a large garden, there is a strong big banana, a tender little banana on its side, the big banana lose their body nutrients to the small banana body, make it thrive, while they slowly wither hellip …

the big banana in the story reminds me of our teacher. they are not like dquo in the story; big banana ”?

open the window of memory, and the act of the past is in front of us: that is what happens every day. after lunch, the students finally had more than 10 minutes to rest, because there was no teacher to take care of us at the moment, but the happy hour was always so short. at one o'clock in the afternoon, the teacher came again, gave us dictation, lectures, let us endorse, layout homework. dquo. obviously, what's the teacher doing when it's time off?! ” a lot of students made a complaint. of course, i am no exception, but i go home to my parents about it, they gave me a reprimand: “ the teachers sacrificed their rest time to give you a lecture, how are you intent to blame the teacher as the heart. teachers are good for you, in order to let you know more, to learn more solid knowledge. you should understand the teacher, sympathize with the teacher, and study hard! dquo when i heard the words, i knew i was wrong.

since then, i have more respect for teachers. they give us lectures, dictation, let us recite the text, all for our good, i hope we can learn. but we do not understand and understand them, it is really too sorry for their pay.

here, i would like to thank our dear teacher, i would like to say to you: "teacher, you are laborious."! dancing on the blackboard is your sweat, and the tip of your pen is flowing with your anticipation. you use your mother's loving hands to soothe your young soul and sow unselfish love. this is you, a people's teacher's wish! one inch white chalk dye your hair, a pictograph become your footsteps, you teach us knowledge, your care is like the genial drizzle. dear teacher! you taught us the true meaning of beauty! teacher, you gave us a life ruler, let us ourselves to measure every day; you gave us a model of behavior mirror, let us have learning example everywhere. we thank you, dear teacher.

yes! a teacher's profession is sacred! a teacher's dedication does not pay off! the teacher's love for us is selfless!



today is a special day. this grand festival is teacher's day, which is the 33rd teacher's day.


our headmasters sent chocolates and flowers to our beloved teachers on friday. in the afternoon, we wrote on the blackboard the words "teacher, you have worked hard" which moved the teachers very much.


finally, we also gave some gifts to the teacher.


flowers gratitude the rain, because rain moisten it grow; goshawk thanksgiving sky because the sky to let it fly; mountain thanksgiving earth because the earth let it tall; i am grateful to my teacher, because teachers open the door of wisdom, let me swim in the sea of knowledge. in my growing experience, your thick love always accompany around.

remember just elementary school, i feel strange about everything in school. for this reason, in class, i just know the answer to the question, always hesitate and dare not to raise your hand. you may perceive, to encourage to me, as if to say: "xuandanqiong, don't be afraid. summon up courage to try. even if the wrong it doesn't matter." is your gentle eyes, let me more courage. i immediately raise their hands to answer, although the answer was not very ideal, but you still praised me with a smile. because it is the first time that i increased the guts, over time, in class i formed the good habit of actively raise your hand to speak.

when i met problem i ask you, you are always willing to accept, patiently to my train of thought, over and over again, never tired. when i'm by you, do this pair, a comfortable smile on your face.

when you found that i was sick, you ask me if i had a hard assiduously, want to go to the hospital... until the next morning, when i come to school, you also care to ask me, the body better? is takes good care of you for being my life, like the spring rain moistens my young heart, let me feel a second family, looking at you, i really want to say: "thank you, teacher."

when i do wrong, you don't have shouted at me, but the story ask of her whispered, help me to troubleshoot. i'm so grateful to you! you are clear, never criticize people without reason.

when i was in period did not get good marks in the exam, you praised me in the class, also lead the clapping. teacher because you, as you know, this little applause, i on the way of learning and added a confidence, let me clear about the goal.

when i...

for five years, in the five years, no matter what i met, you will be with me in the face of. you pay too much for me too much, deep as the sea, such as the blue sky. the teacher, in my eyes you are amazing. i finally understand: "try to dead silk ended.candles burn". because you are engaged in is silently dedication and selfless sacrifice. i heartfelt thank you, my teacher! thank you for all you've done for me! in the future, whether i become a towering tree or a low shrubs, i will be in the green of life, blessing to you, my teacher!











teachers are rain, nourishing us, thanksgiving teacher. their selfless devotion leads us into the sea of knowledge. the teacher is a pillar of day, the earth is moist rain, is many.

the teacher is like a street lamp that keeps us from going astray. point us to a bright future. remember, once our math teacher was ill, and the doctor asked her to hang the needle, but she refused without hesitation. there is only one reason: in order not to let us fall behind in the review stage. the ears, seeing is believing. the teacher sneezes all the time in class. on the second day i borrowed an amplifier because my voice was bad. seeing the teacher's body weakening day by day, we were in a state of great depression.

at noon one day, it was time for the teacher to rest. but in that corner, our math teacher was bending his back and changing our homework. that figure is so petite, in this moment, i really feel the teacher is suffering. in that moment i realized that the teacher's good intentions.

the teacher is so great, we meet by chance, but pay a lot of effort for us. when we are faced with moral choices, they teach us to choose the right path. when we are in think back and forth without end, they encouraged me to continue to work hard. without routh in the world, we children will be plunged into a chaotic future.

i believe in the future, i will be in the teacher's good intentions. i would also like to sincerely say to the teacher: "thank you, my beloved teacher."".


if, a person with the person you have never met when you are very hungry for you a bowl of food to eat, you will be grateful to the strangers? if you did not know when you are very cold to you wearing a dress, you will be grateful to the strangers? if a person has nothing to do with you when you don't have change to give you a coin, you will be grateful to the strangers? but the teacher did so much for us, teach us a lot of knowledge and how to behave. but, who is grateful for teachers? could anyone want to teacher it's natural for us to do something, take it for granted, even, some students think that teacher is very repetitive.

there is a teacher in our class, she is our chinese teacher, miss li. amiable, miss li taught very careful, don't careless, besides, mr li has taught us three years!

on one occasion, i did not ideal, is she taught to the office. miss li said some words to me, i was a dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say. through the teaching of the teacher li, my grades "climb" more than 90 points from 80 points. the teacher really spirit!

teacher, thank you!

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
