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1.introduction to cet-4 writing(四级写作总论)

2.understanding the scoring guide(理解评分原则)

3.sample study(评卷实例)

4.cracking essay i(掌握第一种题型)


1.case study(essay i)(第一种题型完全解析)



1.case study---translation(翻译例文)

2.prep tips for sentence varity(句式变化的`要点)

3.case study-polishing(如何润色文章)

4.cracking essay iii and essay v(掌握第三和第五种题型)


1.cracking letter writing(essay iv)(掌握第四种题型)

2.cracking cloze test(攻克完型填空)





结构上牢记总分总:先写主题句(topic sentence),再写分论点,最后写总结句(conclusion)。



人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that

越来越:be increasingly adj.,be on the rise,the growing number of


1.方便:convenient/convenience 2.效率:efficient/efficiently/efficiency 3.节省和浪费:save time/money/space;economical,thrift/waste time/money/space;costly,lavish 4.人的心理健康:independent,cooperative,competitive,considerate,confident,creative,sociable,perseverance;selfish,isolated,conserative 5.人的身体健康:health,disease,strong,strength,energetic 6.娱乐:colorful,pleasure,joy,recreation,entertainmentm,relax,tired,boring,lonely 7.环境:environment,pollute,poisonous,dirty 8.安全和危险:safe,danger,risk 9.经验:experience,social experience,enter the society 10.人际:humane,fair,unfair,help,assist,freedom,






tv—blessing or curse?

few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does. being besieged with tv news, absorbing teleplays, well-masterminded programmes, one can easily conclude that tv is a real blessing to the human society, offering affluent entertainment and information. yet, convenient and helpful as it is, the television also brings negative effects.

to begin with, tv makes people more passive than before: since everything on tv is ready-made, there is no space for audience’s initiatives. the news has been carefully edited, teleplays well shot, programmes rehearsed, so all you need to do—and all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen. though a lot of people enjoy doing this, the undoubted truth is that people are becoming more passive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them.

television also contributes to the fact that people nowadays are more distant to each other. since most of our free time is taken away by the act of watching tv, we can no longer find enough time to visit friends, call on relatives or go to interesting places. this is also true within a family, parents and children and other members are less close to each other, because family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by tv—when one member is watching tv, he would like others to keep quiet.

of course i am not denying the great conveniences and huge benefits the tv brings us, but to make it a really blessing to us, we should try to avoid its negative effects.


we can know from the picture that most of students like reading popular novel instead of reading science, poetry. from this we can know different people have different addiction to(preferences for) books.

different people have different addiction to(preferences for) books. they read different books just to meet their different needs. because different people have different meets to read the different kinds of books. from this we can also see that different people have different intentions and notions. so they choose the different things to meet their needs in every facet in life.

i like reading poetry because i think poetry can make me calm, pleased, comfort(comforted), (and) i can see many beautiful thing(things) in the poetry.




















in this world, there is a kind of love that is long and eternal and selfless; it does not change with the seasons. not because of fame and fortune, this is the love of parents.

first, your every move, he can ignore everything

that time, he called me, my mobile phone was in the hands of the classmates, and the classmates answered the call. he said how the children are doing in school. the classmate answered him for me, uncle, she had a little discomfort in her stomach recently, and nothing else. feeling sick in your stomach? isnt it sick? it ’s okay uncle, she ’s probably eating a bad belly, and it ’ll be fine after a while.

he hung up the phone, hurriedly put down his work, and rode to school. he saw me and asked anxiously, is it better now? i gave him a strong smile, it was fine, much better. oh-, watching his original tight face loosen, i relieved. no, then you can also see the hospital, in case there is any big problem. after he finished, he would take me to the hospital. no, i ’m really okay, i resigned. no, he said firmly that he would check if he was fine.

arrived at the hospital, he busy busy queuing for me, registered. he didnt let go until the doctor personally determined that i was really okay.

on the way back, i looked up and saw that his forehead was covered with sweat.

he is his father. a person who can disregard everything because of your little act.

second, for this family, she was exhausted

she does not have a fixed job. every day, she has to go out to find some work that can make money.

she found a job in a garment factory and started making clothes there. on that day, the owner of the garment factory asked them to work overtime in order to meet the deadline, and strive to make the finished product when the customer picks up the goods.

that day was her birthday. i made a table of meals and waited for her to eat after work. i sat on the sofa watching the hands of the clock dancing: nine oclock, ten oclock, eleven oclock ... while waiting, i fell asleep. at three oclock in the morning, she was off work and saw me falling asleep on the sofa. she took me into the house.

the next day, at eight oclock in the morning, she had breakfast hurriedly and had to go out to work. looking at her leaving back, my heart was sour ...

she is a mother. a person who is willing to be affected for the whole family.

three, unconsciously, they are all old

on my fourteenth birthday, i suggested that the whole family take a family photo.

arrived at the photo shop, we put on makeup in the dressing room, i put on my makeup and ran to my mother, mother, so beautiful or not? i asked my mother. good looking, the eldest lady in our family is the best! mother said with a smile. i looked at my mothers smile: when did my mothers face have more wrinkles? the wrinkles are crisscrossing, like a gully, how glaring on the mothers face!

when the family portrait was brought in, i opened it eagerly, and i saw some white hair on my parents ’heads. i said that it was because the photographer ’s camera technology was not good. when i looked up, my parents silver hair pierced my heart like a needle.

yeah, i grew up, but my parents are old.


one of the most successful,influential and beloved women in american history,eleanor roosevelt once said that she had one regret:she wished she had been prettier.who hasn’t felt the same way?we are all too aware of our physical imperfections.

to overcome them,we spend billions upon billions of dollars every year on cosmetics,diet products, fashion, and plastic surgery.why do we care so much about how we look?because it matters.because beauty is powerful.because even when we learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise and funny,we are still moved by beauty.no matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune,beauty exerts its power over us.

there is simply no escape.aristotle said,“beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.”it’s not fair, but it’s true.we simply treat beautiful people better than we do others.attach a photograph of a beautiful author to an essay,and people will think that is more creative and more intelligently writtenthan exactly the same essay accompanied by the photo of a homely author.


college graduates working as community workers





college graduates working as community workers

nowadays,some college graduates choose to work in grassroots communities after graduation.i think it is a good practice which can benefit not only themselves but also the whole society.

on the one hand,college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the community.as we all know.the staff members in the communities are mainly made up of retired workers before,most of whom are not well educated.if college graduates can work in the communities.they can introduce some new concepts and methods to the community.on the other hand.graduates can also gain a lot from working as community workers.community is the smallest unit in the society.students can give full play to their abilities because they have to deal with various people and solve many thorny issues.besides.one can also improve his practical skills,such as interpersonal skills and organizing ability.

in my opinion,learning practical skills is of great importance for a graduate.therefore,it is a wise choice for college graduates to have an experience as community workers.


nowadays a large number of universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. during the holidays, students in mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. it is obvious that social practice is playing an increasingly essential role in china’s college education.

undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. what is more, in social practice activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. so their practical skills are improved greatly. besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

considering the above-mentioned, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. however, social practice may bring some problems. for example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. hence, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.


友谊意味着什么(what does friendship mean? )

directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: what does friendship mean? you should write at least 120 words and you shouldbase your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below:




there is no definite answer. an eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life.

friendship is to our life what salt is to dishes. when you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. we admire the great friendship between marx and engel, which firmly combined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling communism.

friendship isn't almighty, but no one can live happily without it.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
