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each people all have own dream, the dream of every one of us are great, happy, far away. it is dream that bring us to we want to go to every place, do we want to do every thing. dreams make each for their goals to strive, to strive, to strive, to develop.

every man's dream is different. some people dream is to a flight attendant, some people dream is a teacher, some people dream is an actor, some people dream is rich... and my dream is to become a singer, since this has been my dream, and the other people start to ask my dream is something, but i "cheat" they say this is that, i never and others said that my dream is a singer. do you know why? because i own reason, i probably never realize this desire! is what reason makes me lose faith in myself all the. i don't want to say, i also dare not say, even if you don't have the reason, so the students will laugh at me, they would say: "a man like you can when the singer, the people all over the world is the star, they might say yes, i sing songs no voice at all and no one out of tune, i sing songs about said no one can hear. but i like singing, i love to sing. why would become like this?

music class in the last section, the class every one of us want to sing, because the singing the obtained result would be an examination result. i'm afraid, really afraid of. i don't know how many points, i would probably is the lowest points in our class! i am more afraid of, i'll have the courage to sing it, i can sing it, i can sing it, the students can hear it, the teacher will hear you. i dare not to think, really did not dare to think. my heart is going to stop. i really want to sing a song? the students one by one beautiful song let teacher is very happy very happy. is to me what should i do, i have to sing it well, but i can do it? sure can, now only believe in myself on my own. yes, only myself believe in myself, be sure to have confidence in myself. to me, don't be nervous. i sure can. i bring you a christine fan "original dream", "the initial dream, hold in your hands, how can want to place on the way home, the original dream, will definitely arrive. realized the true desire, is been to heaven." i sing, i finally ended. the students gave me a big round of applause, the teacher gave me a satisfied smile. i am really very happy very touched, i finally succeeded. thank you.

although the dream is very far from us, but we as long as you work hard, even if not implemented, we also satisfied. at least we tried, so we don't regret, let's go for our dream to work! we will be successful. come on!


there are a lot of difference between newspaper and information on internet. one of important things is that it is not convenient to save and look up information on newspaper, while the information on internet is easier to save. another important thing is that you must pay some money for reading any newspaper. but you can get information on internet without paying. the third main difference is there are a lot of specific experts editing newspaper. by contrast, anyone can claim their ideas on internet freely.

but there are still some same things between these. at the beginning with, they all concentrate the latest news. the second is both of them has attractive title and colorful pictures. finally, they all get profit by publishing advertisement.

summarily, in my opinion, the information on internet is more helpful for me.


?红楼梦》读后感800字 西安市莲湖区劳动路小学 六年级二班 艾芸 我读了《红楼梦》一书,书中以林黛玉和贾宝玉的爱情故事为主线,用贾府的兴衰作为背景,写出了封建社会的黑暗与不合理的制度造成的悲剧。

作者曹雪芹通过《红楼梦》,揭示了腐朽封建社会,也表达了他的不满与愤怒。故事讲述的是从小体弱多病的林黛玉来到了荣国府,渐渐与生来嘴衔通灵玉而性格顽劣的公子贾宝玉相恋,又因凤姐从中使用掉包计,使得贾宝玉娶了薛宝钗,让林黛玉吐血身亡,贾宝玉从此心灰意冷,看破红尘,遁入空门的故事。 令我印象最深的是林黛玉,虽然她的性格里独有的叛逆和孤僻,以及对世俗的不屑一顾,令她处处显得特立独行。花前痴读西厢,毫无避讳;不喜巧言令色,言随心至;崇尚真情真意,淡泊名利就象一朵幽然独放的荷花,始终执著着自己的那份清纯,“质本洁来还洁去,一如碧玉般盈澈”。最让我欣赏的还是她诗情画意,聪慧灵秀。黛玉每次与姐妹们饮酒赏花吟诗作对,总是才气逼人,居于首位。无不体现出她娟雅脱俗的诗人气质。最叹息的是黛玉的多愁善感,红颜薄命,唯一她可以倾诉的知己,只有宝玉让她芳心暗许,却又总是患得患失。 在一个封建社会里,大观园中的男男女女们总不能掌握自己的命运,虽然林黛玉琴棋书画无不精通,才情气质人人称赞,可到头来,年纪轻轻就郁郁而死;宝钗凡事稳重,识大体,诗词也样样精通,原是金玉良缘,可是因为木石前盟,使她一人独守空房,误了终生;迎春才貌双全,却嫁给孙绍祖,被丈夫折磨而死我感叹贾、林两人爱情的悲剧与那些敢于反判那个垂死的封建贵族制度的人,同情那些封建制度下的“牺牲者”,所批判和否定的是封建社会的`虚伪道德和不合理的社会制度。在他们心中,一边是封建社会必须追求的功名光环,一边是心驰神往的自由之身。在面对封建礼教下的种种迫害和冷漠,甚至以生命的付出为代价,自由之身的追求始终不弃。



i have a dream

i have a dream, that is, one day my parents get old, they will not have any diseases, any pains or any sorrow. they will live happily until the day they have to leave for the other world. there’s always plenty of sunshine in their everyday life. this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

i have a dream, that is, one day all the dogs in the world will have their homes. they will be kindly taken care of, they will be deeply loved and they will be the most valuable friends to people. i also hope, all the people in the world will realize that dogs are the connection between human beings and heaven. this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

i have a dream, that is one day there will be no wars in the world. no blood, no wounds, no deaths, no hate, only love and responsibility. we live together and love each other. there is no difference between us., this is my dream, this my greatest happiness.

i have a dream , i have thousands of dreams. i dream that one day they can come true.

this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.


parents, especially those of teenagers, care about their children’s education more than anything else. they could do everything for their children. many of them spend most of their spare time coaching their children in studies; those who have time or cannot do it have hired tutors. some also send children to after-class schools. some even have tried to mould their home environment more favorable for study. it seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for children.

the present situation can be explained by the following reasons. first of all, as our country’s economy moves ahead healthily, many parents have become aware that future success depends more and more on skills and education. lack of training and education will no longer ensure young people to have a promising future. secondly, it is evident that in a competitive society there are both losers and winners. the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they will be ensures. what is more, with school tuitions increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result of education they have received.

certainly, it is good to see much of parents’ attention on children’s education. however, in my opinion, emphasis should also be laid on fostering other abilities and personal qualities. true, it is important to learn to succeed, but the first thing to learn is how to survive and how to be a qualified citizen. if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured not only of a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, hence a healthy life.










china has the largest population in the world and english is the international language. there are a lot of funny things when chinese people learn english. they will mix the words with their own language. some very classic words have been created. such as the sentence long time no see, it is the most classic words that were spoken by chinese. actually, the local people won’t say these words but they know the meaning. as these classic sentences are spoken by more and more chinese people then the western people accept them. today, more chinese english have been admitted by the official dictionary. we can see the great influence from big country. as china is getting stronger, we are so proud of being part of it. of course, to master the international language is the key to know more about the world.

中国是世界上人口最多的国家,而英语则是国际语言。中国人在学习英语的时,会有很多有时候会发生很多有趣的事情,他们会把英语与自己的母语混淆。一些非常经典的词就这样被创造出来了。如句子“long time no see”,这是最经典的中式表达。实际上,当地人不会这样说的,但他们也能理解这句话的意思。随着越来越多的中国人使用这些经典语句,西方人也就接受了这些句子。今天,更多的中式英语已经被官方词典收录了。我们可以看到大国的巨大影响力。随着中国的越来越强大,我们为成为其中的一员而感到自豪。当然,掌握国际语言是了解世界的关键。

















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