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beggars are one of the most familiar groups in every city. they accompany us from our childhood until now, and i've found both the beggars and i change in this journey.

years ago as a little girl, when i came across some old and disabled beggars on the road, i'd donate some pocket money to them, happily thinking i was helping.

s i have grown older, i've found the number of beggars has grown larger and they are more diverse. they appear in every corner of the city, on the overbridge, on the street, near restaurants, and even at your door. in contrast with the old days, it seems like the situation with beggars today is more complicated, which has made me hesitate before deciding whether to help them or not.

it's hard for me to give them money considering some who appear beggars in day time but dress up and go to fancy restaurants at night; and some who are controlled by some illegal organization and the money they get all goes to the organization. if i help them, i'd be making the problem worse, i'd be doing harm to the society, indirectly. but it's also hard not to give them money, considering there're real beggars who really need help. if i don't help them, who will? and where is my sympathy?

what hurts me the most is not how hard it is to distinguish the real help-seekers from the many false ones, but that some children are forced by adults, sometimes even their parents, to beg. they grow up despised by the world, out of mainstream society. when i see their eyes filled with desperation and impudence instead of purity and innocence, my heart sinks. we don't know how they will face the world when they grow up, how this will shape their characters, and what they may do to the society, to perpetuate this cycle of violence.

months ago the fu jian government has promulgated a new policy to deal with 8 kinds of beggars. an internet survey shows that over 80% of voters reacted positively toward the policy. we know that one single policy cannot solve a problem as complex as this one, but we do look forward to some improvement. i wish all humanity can live like human.









students, we come from? to hear this question, i am sure you will say that parents are taken to put us up in the world. yes ah, one day more than a decade ago, our parents happy with tears and smiles to greet the arrival of the u.s.. but when we came to the world the moment that many parents have a hard job - we take care of. this is even though a heavy burden, but has no complaints to parents raising me up.

in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, then the effort. small, i always treat this issue as a matter of course, because i do not know, nor do i know the hard work of parents. now, i grew up, and i know with a heart of thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take on, take care of, the responsibility of your parents

there is an old said: "the milk of the sheep have to kneel tu, a feed has meaning." bit by bit, our growth can not be separated from their parents to help when the water springs of the tu reported that, therefore, we should know how to feel gratitude for it, know how to thank their parents .

call us first time parents, first step towards independence, the first to write a word askew when ... ... are parents around to teach us patience. parents, are giving us god does not require any modification of the sustenance of the soul.

when we are confronted with difficulties, to devote all of us to help people, their parents are.

when we are wronged, to be patient to listen to our cry of the people, their parents are.

when we make mistakes, he will not hesitate to forgive us who are parents.

when we succeed, would like for us to celebrate, to share with us the pleasure, are the parents.

and now far away in our field study, it is still concerned about our parents.

... ...

now i left the distant parents, came here, the mother will ask me homesick, i very firmly said: "no, certainly not!"

but to the school, in the face of unfamiliar faces unfamiliar environment, i want to cry well. are upset when the home to the phone, the mother the right to ask me please. my tears quickly down, and tried to not let her find.

not familiar with the latter slowly, although it was no longer such as homesickness, but there are always unhappy when the advent of a lot of times at night, when feeling lonely, they will naturally think of distant family members, think of it in the remote mountain village in their own lives more than a dozen of the spring and autumn, and a phone call out greetings and listen to the voices of parents and that kind.


teachers and parents are working together to ensure the health and well-being of all children. schools are really safe places for children to be, and they are the heart of the community. let's make sure they stay that way.fortunately, schools, parents, and communities are finding practical ways to provide children the safe and disciplined conditions they need and should expect to find in school, such as by promoting smaller schools, respectful communities, fair and rigorously enforced discipline codes, teacher training to deal with violence, school uniforms, and after-school programs that keep kids productive and off the streets.we must get violence out of our schools, and we must put discipline and learning back in them


i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. what is success? it is what everyone is longing for. sometimes success would be rather simple. winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now i am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.

however, as a personsquo;s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. is fortune success? is fame success? is high social status success? no, i donsquo;t think so. i believe success is the realization of peoplesquo;s hopes and ideals. nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. and the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. so most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. but the problem is wether it is real success. we all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. if we keep chasing them, where is the end? what will satisfy us at last? therefore, we can see, to get the real success we must need something inside, which is the realization of peoplesquo; hopes and ideals.

different people have different ideas about success; cause peoplesquo;s hopes and ideas vary from one another. but i am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. these are the best treasures. so now i am very proud that i have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. it is my success, cause i raise up to challenge my hope.

what is success? everyone has his own interpretation as i do. but i am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life!

wish you all good success!


maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

when the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

it's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

don't go for looks; they can deceive. don't go for wealth; even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. find the one that makes your heart smile.






















good morning , everyone .when it comes to the teachers’ essential qualities ,i believe that most of answers will appear the word “patience”. now, let me begin to give you my speech “patience”.

to begin with , “what is the patience ?” the definition of the word “patience” is to tolerate delay , which implies self control and forbearance as opposed to wanting what we want when we want it. how many times have we jumped the gun and found out it would have been better to tolerate delay or had self control? what did we miss out on? did we hurt someone we love because of lack of patience? having patience will heal the wounds and it will work itself out fine. patience is not only a virtue but a necessy for a happy existence that we must be more patience in our daily lives. secondly , there are so many benefits of developing patience .it not only helps us reduces stress levels ,but also helps develop understanding, empathy and compassion .furthermore ,with enough patience ,we may take enough time to assess the situation, see the big picture, and weigh any pros and cons ,which contributes to our better decisions.

someone may ask but how to become more patient .in my opinion ,many steps can we take .one way ,we may practice thinking before you speak ,if we’re patient, pause and go over what we want to say, we can avoid hurting or offending others .on the other way ,sometimes we may make a plan ahead and someway slow down our steps .anyway ,what is the most important thing is that in anytime we must believe that there is an advantage behind every misfortune, that there is a silver lining.

as it for me ,a teacher in the nearly future ,i think i should be have faith that i can make all of them understand what i taught .if some of them wouldn't follow me ,i will be also patient to analyse knowledge to them in details.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
